Kuss isn't my main character. This guy is. Sam. Just because, you know, most of the plot revolves around him, but the others are all very big characters still!
1. What is your protagonist? A person? An animal? Something else?
A 16 year old guy.
2. Where does your protagonist live? Does he or she like it there?
He lives in San Diego, and yes, he likes it quite a lot.
3. What does your protagonist look like? Hair color? Height? Distinguishing features?
He’s 5’9, got dirty blond hair, and a really cute grin, but he doesn’t smile much. He’s got what you might call a bit of a baby face, with a very venerable awkward look to him. He has a scar a little above his left temple, caused by an accident he had when he was thirteen.
4. What is your protagonist’s favorite outfit?
He doesn’t really care. Anything that’s comfortable. He likes hoodies and jeans. He also listens to his ipod or at least has the head phones in his ears almost 24/7.
5. What clothes would your protagonist never be caught dead wearing?
Again. It’s really not something he cares about.
6. What is your protagonist’s pet peeve?
People who make fun of him for listening to music constantly.
7. What is your protagonist’s fondest memory?
A couple years ago, long after his brothers childhood disintegration disorder set in. He was looking after his brother by himself, and he sat down next to him, as his brother couldn’t really walk at that point. He turned and smiled at him, and his brother suddenly awkwardly put his arm around him, and said “thank you,” with great difficulty. His eyes were intelligent for just the briefest flash, for the first time since it really set in, and he’d never spoken clearly like that before. It was a one time occurrence, but obviously, it meant a whole lot to him.
8. What are your protagonist's hobbies?
Claymation, writing, and reading.
9. What can your protagonist do better than anyone else?
Interact and connect with his brother.
10. What is your protagonist insecure about?
His deafness.
11. What makes your protagonist angry?
Really, he lives in his own world, and doesn’t pay much attention to other people. People who don’t know anything about pain and pretend they do really bug him, when he pays attention. Shallow people in general. Bullies, of course, and anyone who makes fun of disabled kids even remotely. Also his parents, and how blind they are sometimes.
12. What are your protagonist’s parents like? How about the rest of his or her family?
His parents are really preoccupied and don’t pay much attention to him. They don’t mean to, of course, but his brother takes up all their parental warmth. They’re both teachers, and always stressed about money. His brother who has the syndrome is 13, but can only talk a little, and walks with difficulty. He also has an older brother who is in the military, and he’s really a father figure to him. He’s 26 and the only one who knows about Sam’s deafness. (He guessed.) He’s been trying to save up for a really small hearing aide, because Sam doesn’t want anyone to know, but they’re really expensive and he doesn’t have a lot of money. He’s the only person Sam can open up to about anything.
13. What's one secret your protagonist hasn't ever told anyone?
His deafness. He technically hasn’t ever told anyone because his brother guessed.
14. Is your protagonist outgoing? Shy? What do people think when they first meet your
He’s super excluded and people at school tend to think he’s autistic or something, because he has a lot of those peculiarities. Nothing obvious enough for the teachers to be worried about, but that’s because he works really, really hard. If someone talks to his left ear though, he completely doesn’t hear them, so a lot of the time he’s unresponsive and unemotional. Like I said, he always has headphones on, kind of as a cover up, and often his hood pulled up. Kids either make fun of him or ignore him.
15. Describe your protagonist in three words:
1. Hiding.
2. Confused.
3. Loyal.
16. Pretend for a moment that your protagonist is really nervous. What does your protagonist do with his
or her nervous energy? (Tap his or her toe against the floor? Hum a song?)
His hands get really cold, so sometimes he blows on them, or pulls them under his sleeves or whatever. He bites his lip too. And broods. He’s very broody.
17. Write a sentence describing how your protagonist walks.
Kuss tilted her head and frowned. That’s what was so weird about that guy! He walked so... carefully. His hood was up as usual, shoulders hunched just the tiniest of bits, but his body was so alert. A kid came running through the hall, probably late for some class, and barreled past him, and he pulled away just in time, looking tense.
18. Write a sentence describing how your protagonist stands. What’s his or her posture like?
He leans against things whenever possible, and slouches terribly.
19. What do you really like about your protagonist?
He’s so loyal and great with his brother, and he’s also very very strong, and very hardworking.
20. What do you dislike about your protagonist?
Well obviously he’s really confused, having not even told his parents he’s DEAF, but other then that, he’s super stubborn and so sometimes a bit pigheaded.
21. What is your protagonist’s greatest weakness?
Um. He’s super insecure about the deaf thing. Obviously. If you mean what he’s most addicted to though, that would be the TV.
22. What is the one thing your protagonist fears most?
Going all the way deaf.
23. What does your protagonist want more than anything else in the world?
His brother to get better. Being normal would be nice too.
1. If your protagonist could change his or her name, what would he or she change it to?
Pablo. He likes the sound of it, and also, he was an epic cello player.
2. What is your protagonist’s favorite band? Song? Type of music?
He actually likes strings and classical. Soft rock too, but a lot of soundtracks. His favorite song is claire de lune. Doesn’t have a favorite band, but he’s currently obsessed with the August Rush soundtrack.
3. What is your protagonist’s favorite book and why?
He likes poetry and nonfiction a lot, but he doesn’t really have a favorite.
4. What is your protagonist’s favorite season?
5. What places, other than where he or she lives now, has your protagonist lived or visited on
vacation? Which one was his or her favorite and why?
He’s only ever been on vacation once, before his brother got sick. They went to Disney world. He wasn’t real into it, but oh well. They’ve always lived in San Diego, and he expects they always will. They don’t have money for vacations now.
6. What does your protagonist’s house look like? What is hanging on your protagonist’s
bedroom walls?
His house is kind of just normal... small and a little crowded, and generally quite messy what with all his parents work and stuff for his brother. His room is his sanctuary. He keeps it really clean, just because he likes it like that, but one wall is completely covered in a collage of pictures. Some people might call it girly but hardly anyone is ever in his room. A ton of the pictures are of his family, well his two brothers, hardly any of his parents, and then just random stuff. The rest of his walls are fairly bare, but he has stacks of Cd's (from before his ipod days.), and books and his laptop (borrowed from the school), and cool stuff like that.
7. What is the best thing that ever happened to your protagonist?
There’s really been nothing good in the last three years, and before that it was ALL good in his mind. His older brother is the only thing he has keeping him sane.
8. What is the worst thing that ever happened to your protagonist?
It’s pretty much a tie between his brothers syndrome and his accident.
10. What makes your protagonist most uncomfortable?
Overly touchy/affectionate people, and people who treat him like he’s mentally handicapped or something.
11. Describe how your protagonist speaks. Does he or her have a lisp? An accent? Does your protagonist
use a lot of slang, or end every sentence with “okay,” etc.?
He doesn’t have an accent, or a lisp, but he talks really carefully. Like it’s not obvious at all that he can only hear himself through one ear, but he’s still really careful. He doesn’t use a lot of slang at all, but then he doesn’t talk much either.
12. If a song played every time your protagonist walked into a room, what song would it
Well this wouldn’t be every time he walks in a room, but Hallelujah is his song. It makes me cry inside.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I am sixteen going on seventeen....
For real. :D
All right, so generally on my birthdays I write some goals, and kind of reminisce about the past year... Today I was reading some of our old convo's on facebook, and from that and all the tons of happy birthday's people have wished me, I've realized something very special. I have the best friends in the word. :)
This year was really... different. I think I've changed more then I ever have in other years. I've been the most miserable I've ever been, and, I think, the happiest. I've learned a ton about friendship, and still am. I learned about pretty much everything... The world, God, people, the way my brain works, the way other peoples brains work... And I think I've become a bit more myself. A bit. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of person God wants me to be.
There have been really bad moments this year, but there have also been really, really good ones. I would not give up my friends for the world, or my sisters. San Diego was amazing. The summer was amazing. Writing has been amazing. Music - I discovered music. IT is amazing. The beach, walking, movies, books, trying new things... Of course I did some REALLY stupid stuff, but without this year, I wouldn't be the person I am now.
15 was a good one.
So thanks, everyone. :D
And now, to see what I've accomplished... goals are great kick-in-the-butts by the way, which is probably the only reason I do them. I wrote down a whole bunch in my journal last year, a year from today, when I was all like "the scariest thing about turning fifteen is next year it will be sixteen."
Anywayss okay first goal: Learn to be a better listener: Eh, I'm still working on it.
2. Gain God-confidence: Definitely.
3. Learn Italian: *cough* This year...
4. Do something interesting in the summer: YEAH BABY!
5. Write another novel: In the process! :D
6. Possibly write a play: You bet. :P
7. Make more friends: Yes! Thank God!
8. Get something published: I don't know how I expected to do this since that can take years, but I DID send out a story, so that's a start!
9: Do more theater: Not really... *sigh*
10: Become unafraid to be myself in public: I'm getting better!
So yeah. There you have my year, folks. Exciting, right? :P
As for sixteen... well so far it's been very nice! There have been moments of stress and boredom and peace and hyperness, so if that's any indication of the year, I'm guessing it's going to be just about normal. Erin pierced my ears this morning, which is where the stress comes in because for a minute there she couldn't figure out how to get the gun unattached from the earring which was in my ear. Dad came to the rescue and it was all good, and now I have two little gold studs in my ears. Hehe. I got beautiful earrings from Kelia which I want to put in noooow but I'm going to have to wait six weeks. Ah me. Such a hard life.
Kelia and I went for a pretty long walk, which was really nice (I'm so happy it's pretty out!), and we three played life together because Erin and I were bored. That's when we were hyper. We ate a ton of junk, and listened to music, and it was generally a good time! Then Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and cake, and I was a little disappointed because Aunt Sandy couldn't come, but oh well I'll see them all tomorrow. Finally, we watched Sweet Home Alabama, which was really sweet. Yay! :D
...Oy... Sixteen... O_O
Okay. Stopping that now. *slaps self*
Let's seeee... goals...
Um. I kind of think I'm too tired to do this. But let's see. Some of my goals from last year are definitely still in place - coming closer to my family, God, learning how to live with love. I'm GOING to learn Italian this year, because if I don't I'll be in trouble, and finishing B&R is high on my list. I want to live creatively, not settle for the boring, and try to figure out what the Higher Being has in mind for me... or let Him show me. :P
Getting more comfortable with myself would be great. I had some issues with that this winter, watching other certain people and wishing I was more like them; more outgoing, better at conversations - even flirting. I certainly will get better at that stuff but I've also got to be content with who *I* am. Always a hard thing to do. I'm working on it.
I suppose another novel will be coming in November, and I'm very determined to write my first screenplay. And make it be good. I hope. Considering Max is my main character, it better be. Hehe. I intend to walk more, and of course get my first 'real' job, take drivers ed sometime, explore... Live, love, laugh. All that good stuff.
And yeah sorry if this post is all pensive and wannabe-deep. I tend to get that way on my b-day. New year and all that. Without a journal though, I have to write it down SOMEWHERE, so you're stuck with it. Deal. :D
I really have to go to bed. Easter tomorrow! I can't believe my b-day, AND Easter came so fast! It's just weird. But awesome. :P
Anyways. Love you guys. <3
Friday, March 21, 2008
You and I
The Riddle - Five For the Fighting
There was a man back in '95
Whose heart ran out of summers
But before he died, I asked him
Wait, what's the sense in life
Come over me, Come over me
He said,
Son why you got to sing that tune
Catch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moon
Let an angel swing and make you swoon
Then you will see... You will see
Then he said,
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...
Picked up my kid from school today
Did you learn anything cause in the world today
You can't live in a castle far away
Now talk to me, come talk to me
He said,
Dad I'm big but we're smaller than small
In the scheme of things, well we're nothing at all
Still every mother's child sings a lonely song
So play with me, come play with me
And Hey Dad
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...
I said,
Son for all I've told you
When you get right down to the
Reason for the world...
Who am I?
There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we're not wise enough to see
He said... You looking for a clue I Love You free...
The batter swings and the summer flies
As I look into my angel's eyes
A song plays on while the moon is hiding over me
Something comes over me
I guess we're big and I guess we're small
If you think about it man you know we got it all
Cause we're all we got on this bouncing ball
And I love you free
I love you freely
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I..
There was a man back in '95
Whose heart ran out of summers
But before he died, I asked him
Wait, what's the sense in life
Come over me, Come over me
He said,
Son why you got to sing that tune
Catch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moon
Let an angel swing and make you swoon
Then you will see... You will see
Then he said,
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...
Picked up my kid from school today
Did you learn anything cause in the world today
You can't live in a castle far away
Now talk to me, come talk to me
He said,
Dad I'm big but we're smaller than small
In the scheme of things, well we're nothing at all
Still every mother's child sings a lonely song
So play with me, come play with me
And Hey Dad
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...
I said,
Son for all I've told you
When you get right down to the
Reason for the world...
Who am I?
There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we're not wise enough to see
He said... You looking for a clue I Love You free...
The batter swings and the summer flies
As I look into my angel's eyes
A song plays on while the moon is hiding over me
Something comes over me
I guess we're big and I guess we're small
If you think about it man you know we got it all
Cause we're all we got on this bouncing ball
And I love you free
I love you freely
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I..
Tuesday, March 18, 2008


1. What is this supporting character? A person? An animal? Something else?
A girl. Another ‘freak’ of the school. She’s the Jesus freak.
2. Does this supporting character know the protagonist? If so, when did they (or do they) meet and how?
She’s seen her around school and unlike most people, isn’t really afraid of her. Like she is a little, but she finds her intriguing. She wants to know what bothers her so much. Then, of course, they meet through the play.
3. How is this supporting character similar to your protagonist? How is he or she different?
She’s not really that similar at all, but she loves music and art and creative stuff like that. She’s different because she’s such a strong christian, and is adamant about it, although she’s not really outgoing. She’s a little afraid of general high schoolers. She lives entirely on love.
4. What does this supporting character look like? Hair color? Height? Distinguishing features?
She's REALLY short, like JUST five feet, with long light brown hair and brown eyes. She has a cute round little nose, and dimples. She’s got little round glasses that somehow match her face perfectly. She dresses pretty conservatively, a lot of skirts, not a great fashion sense, and no make up.
5. What is this supporting character’s favorite outfit?
Her one pair of jeans with her nice Christmas sweater she loves so much.
6. What clothes would this supporting character never get caught dead wearing?
Basically anything Kuss wears. :P
7. What is this supporting character’s favorite thing about the protagonist?
Kuss is everything she’s not, and for some reason that makes her feel like she can really be herself around her. There are no expectations with her.
8. What are this supporting character's hobbies?
She’s a pianist, but secretly dreams of being a director. She’s a complete movie buff, and tends to watch movies late into the night. She wants to make movies with messages. She’s huge into Christianity, and an ex-homeschooler. She loves kids and babysits a poor family for free.
9. What can this supporting character do better than anyone else?
10. What makes this supporting character happy after he or she has had a bad day?
Listening to music, or talking to God, or making little kids happy.
11. What makes this supporting character angry?
Cruelty and unfairness. Ignorance. Her step brother.
12. What are this supporting character’s parents like? How about the rest of his or her family?
Neither her mom or dad are Christians, but her mom is kind of peacy-hippy-ish, and she homeschooled her until high school, when Geena wanted to go to school. Her mom wasn't hugely excited about the idea, but then she wasn’t hugely excited when Geena went to a summer camp and got ‘converted,’ either. She actually thought school might put a little sense in her head. Her dad died when she was small from cancer, and she has a stepfather, who is a workaholic (lawyer) and hardly home. When he is he’s pretty cool and watches movies with her. She also has a step brother, who thinks the whole homeschooling thing was pretty weird, as is her religion, and tends to ignore her. He’s not exactly a jerk but has never tried to be friends with her.
13. What's one secret this supporting character hasn't ever told anyone?
The movie director thing. Also, what exactly happened at camp to change her so much.
14. Is this supporting character outgoing? Shy? What do people think when they first meet this
supporting character? Is he or she different than the protagonist?
She’s a little shy, but she does have friends. On first meeting people might think she’s an odd little girl, with the way she dresses, and she’s generally carrying a bible or tracts or Jesus <3’s you stickers. (She likes to put them on peoples lockers. Her secret mission. It amuses her.) They tend to like her though, except for the bullies and popular people, who call her a Jesus freak.
15. Describe this supporting character in three words:
1. Kind hearted
2. Confused
3. Curious
16. Pretend for a moment that this supporting character is really nervous. What does this supporting
character do with that nervous energy? (Tap his or her toe against the floor? Hum a song?)
She starts humming amazing grace and plays with her glasses.
19. What do you really like about this supporting character?
Pretty much everything. I like her a lot. I should probably be using her as my main character. Dang.
20. What do you dislike about this supporting character?
She’s a tad bossy, and prone to jumping to conclusions.
21. What is this supporting character’s greatest weakness?
22. What is the one thing this supporting character fears most?
Losing herself - losing her God.
23. What does this supporting character want more than anything else in the world?
Something to live for.
1. If this supporting character could change his or her name, what would he or she change it to?
2. What is this supporting character’s favorite band? Song? Type of music?
BarlowGirl. Awakening by Switchfoot. Inspirational - it makes her happy.
3. What is this supporting character’s favorite book and why?
If she was being really good she’d say the Bible, but it’s really The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. Best book she’s ever read. She cried for two days. Then she went to the military cemetery and put flowers at every single grave. It took her two weeks.
4. What is this supporting character’s favorite season?
Spring, although it’s not really different in San Diego. She likes to pretend the world is waking.
5. What places, other than where he or she lives now, has this supporting character lived or visited on
vacation? Which one was his or her favorite and why?
She used to live in New Mexico with her mom, but she definitely likes San Diego better. The summer camp she went to was in Arizona - too hot for her tastes. She wants to get to Europe, but has yet to.
6. What does this supporting character’s house look like? What is hanging on this supporting
character’s bedroom walls?
Geena’s house is really colorful and has a lot of nicknack's and artsy stuff because her mom is very crafty. The living room is pink and white, the kitchen blue and yellow, etc. Her mom tried to do hers pink and purple but she protested, and got brown and cream instead. (Brown’s her favorite color.) She has various art works on her walls, curtains made by her mom, books, a phone and tv... Lawyer stepdad = wealthy. She has favorite verses painted on her walls, and a dresser covered in stickers. Her room is fairly neat, but not incredibly so. There are pictures of friends and family all over, and pictures the little kids she babysits gave her.
7. What is the best thing that ever happened to this supporting character?
That summer camp she went to. Also, actually getting some friends when she stopped homeschooling.
8. What is the worst thing that ever happened to this supporting character?
She gets bullied at school. One time some of the older kids took her backpack, dumped it all out right in front of everyone, then proceeded to ruin everything in it. When they found her bible they started making a huge hullabaloo making fun of her, then ripped the pages out one by one. They ruined her homework too, and then, to top it all off, dumped a bottle of Gatorade on her and when her glasses fell off, broke them. No one tried to stop them.
10. What is this supporting character’s biggest pet peeve?
People who talk down to little kids seriously bother her.
11. What makes this supporting character most uncomfortable?
Having to stand in front of a lot of people. She’s stage shy.
12. Describe how this supporting character speaks. Does this supporting character have a lisp? An
accent? Does he or she use a lot of slang, or end every sentence with “okay,” etc.?
She never ever says God, and swears very rarely. She has a quiet voice, but she can certainly make herself heard if she wants to. She tends to be funnier then she thinks she is, and accidentally copies peoples way of talking, which is hilarious.
13. If a song played every time this supporting character walked into a room, what song would it be?
Meant to Live for so much more or whatever it’s called, by Switchfoot.
Next up is Tom, Geena's step brother! Whee! :D
Friday, March 14, 2008
Um. Stooof.
I see I haven't posted in awhile. This is a little shocking! It's basically because Em darling came home Monday, so it's been a tad crazy here, as it always is when she returns to her more innocent sisters. It's been really nice to hang out though, so you know, I guess I forgive her for stealing me from my blog. ;)
Uhm, well, last Friday/Saturday Laura slept over and it was awesome and we watched Becoming Jane again, which got me into Jane Austen, (again), so I watched Northanger Abbey and it was actually really sweet and I liked it a lot. And I have Persuasion out from the library so hopefully I'll get to reading that soon!
While Laura was here we also went to the movies to see Step Up 2, since we got her all into Step Up, but for some weird reason they had stopped showing it. It said they still were on their website and the outside sign and everything, but they lied! So instead we saw Spiderwick, which was actually really, really awesome. It has Freddie Highmore so I knew it was going to be pretty good, but I expected it to be kind of kidish adventure... It really wasn't. It was funny and jumpy and extremely well done, and the coolest thing was Freddie Highmore played twins! That must have been so hard!
Anywhom, it was REALLY well done, and we enjoyed it a lot. :D
As I said, Em came home Monday, and we ended up staying up late and watching Juno with her. That, also, was really, really good! The acting was amazing, and the script, and it was just so sweet... we loved it. I think it's cool too because I found out the author was a first timer on script writing, and the amount of trust the director had to put in her to follow some of those strange but brilliant bits was a ton. Kudos to them both.
I'm looking forward to another movie this weekend, and then my birthday and Easter! I have a totally cute summer dress to wear for Easter, and I'll have my ears pierced on my birthday, so YAY! I can't believe I'm turning sixteen. O_O Weiiiiiiird. And exciting! Mucho exciting! I know there'll be great things in the year to come. XD
So I've been thinking about what I want to 'be' when I 'grow up,' and I've kind of kicked out the actress idea. I dunno, it just seems like I don't have enough commitment to make it, and I wouldn't really be able to do anything else for a long time... Something the actors at the ABP always said this summer, was that if there's ANYTHING else you like to do fairly well other then acting, you should do it instead. And, well, there are definitely other things I like to do. However, I may still try my hand at directing... But basically right now I'm actually thinking I want to be a freelance writer. They're just so... cool! And writing seems to be, in my opinion, one of the easier things to do in life. Like, I know there are tons of people who are way better writers then I'll ever be, but if you like it and are fairly good at it, eventually you'll get published. If you don't give up that is. Stubbornness, and all that.
So yeah. That's what I'm thinking as of this moment. I'll try to read and write as much as possible, and if the Higher Being approves, anything could happen... ;)
Speaking of writing, I kind of got past that stupid spot in WR.... but things aren't looking too fascinating right now and I'm not really into it. I haven't worked on it for a couple of days. Bad me, I know. I'm sure the inspiration will return soon, and in the mean time I have script frenzy to worry about! I'm starting to get excited because I actually decided to write a screenplay this year... which is nerve wracking but kind of awesome. I have the brief outlines of a plot, but until yesterday no characters. Then yesterday I found this character worksheet and tried it, and vwalla! There was my main character!
The only problem - she still doesn't have a name.
So what I'm gonna do is post all the work I've done on her, and then you darling peeps can help me think of the perfect name! K? K!
Protagonist Questionnaire
For High School Students
1. What is your protagonist? A person? An animal? Something else?
A girl definitely, I’m just no sure what kind of girl. Either the outcast angry punk girl who’s cast as the MC, or the more normal backstage member who has no personality... yeah okay that won’t work. Okay well for angry outcast punk girl... uhm yeah. I’ll go with that for now.
2. Where does your protagonist live? Does he or she like it there?
_I have no idea, thank you for asking though. Uhm
I know!
San Diego :P
And no... she thinks its boring.
3. What does your protagonist look like? Hair color? Height? Distinguishing features?
_5’5, brown hair, short and kind of spiky, maybe a little dyed, earrings all the way up her right ear, a nose ring, tattoos on her arms she likes to pretend are real but aren’t. Fairly pretty, but obviously not in a conventional way.
4. What is your protagonist’s favorite outfit?
Scary spike boots, a black duck tape miniskirt and a re-made sweater.
5. What clothes would your protagonist never be caught dead wearing?
Anything cutsie. Long skirts. Hoop earrings. Make up. Normal clothes, basically.
6. What is your protagonist’s pet peeve?
People in general. Loud gum chewers. Suck ups.
7. What is your protagonist’s fondest memory?
She doesn’t tend to think of these things. If you have to know, the last good memory she has with her mom. She was eight and her mom decided to have a special day with her. She came to her school and stole her away, and they went to the beach and collected shells and built a sand castle and had a mud fight, and her mom threw her in the ocean to wash her off.
8. What are your protagonist's hobbies?
Designing clothes, making stuff in general. It’s the only thing she’s happy doing.
9. What can your protagonist do better than anyone else?
Design. She’s an artist too. But she never ever lets people see it.
10. What is your protagonist insecure about?
Just about everything. She acts very tough but has trouble letting people in.
11. What makes your protagonist angry?
The world. Her father. Popular people. Unpopular people. The fact her mother committed suicide. Christians. Schools. Anything unfair. Bullies. Wimps. Just about everything.
12. What are your protagonist’s parents like? How about the rest of his or her family?
Her mother suffered from depression and killed herself when the MC was ten. She is an only child. Her father is very secluded. He’s a small mousy man who doesn’t know how to raise a girl, but he loves her very much. He’s completely awkward around her, she makes him uncomfortable. She has a great relationship with her grandmother, her mothers mother. She has a couple aunts and uncles who she never sees.
13. What's one secret your protagonist hasn't ever told anyone?
She tried to kill herself once.
14. Is your protagonist outgoing? Shy? What do people think when they first meet your
She’s hostile. Not outgoing, not shy. She has a very low opinion of people, so she has no friends. She’s an outcast. She scares people a little, so they call her a freak.
15. Describe your protagonist in three words:
1. Angry
2. Hiding
3. Beautiful
16. Pretend for a moment that your protagonist is really nervous. What does your protagonist do with his or her nervous energy? (Tap his or her toe against the floor? Hum a song?)
If there’s a pen around she draws on herself and jiggles her knees. If there’s not pen, she bites her nails.
17. Write a sentence describing how your protagonist walks.
She stalked down the hall in her spiky leather boots, and freshmen scattered out of her way, seeing the look of hatred in eyes.
18. Write a sentence describing how your protagonist stands. What’s his or her posture like?
She leaned against her locker and folded her arms under her chest, pursing her lips in annoyance. “Can I help you?”
19. What do you really like about your protagonist?
I like how cool she could be if she decided to like people. I like how passionate she is. I like how she really cares about things and people she tries to tell herself she doesn’t.
20. What do you dislike about your protagonist?
Um, well... she has attitude issues. And anger issues. And other issues... she’s actually a little self righteous, without realizing it, but that shall be fixed. ;)
21. What is your protagonist’s greatest weakness?
Her inability to show and receive love.
22. What is the one thing your protagonist fears most?
She fears loving, and then having the people she loves torn from her.
23. What does your protagonist want more than anything else in the world?
Her mother back. Other then that, to stop being so angry.
2. What is your protagonist’s favorite band? Song? Type of music?
Lifehouse. Blind. Rock.
3. What is your protagonist’s favorite book and why?
Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer. Because she loves it duh. She sees herself in it, identifies well, etc...
4. What is your protagonist’s favorite season?
5. What places, other than where he or she lives now, has your protagonist lived or visited on
vacation? Which one was his or her favorite and why?
Uhmmm... she’s always lived in San Diego. They visited Maine once and she swears she’s going to move there as soon as possible. She loved the season and climate differences and the people. She wants to live in Portland.
6. What does your protagonist’s house look like? What is hanging on your protagonist’s
bedroom walls?
Her house is fairly boring because her dad does all the cleaning. Her room however, is completely different. She has red walls, and she’s got posters all over them, of her favorite bands. It’s constantly a mess but she always keeps her bed clean, and she has a table that’s practically collapsing under all the stuff. She has so many art supplies all over her walls, in the closet, on the floor, and her latest project on the table along with her sewing machine . It’s kind of dark so she has several funky lights and Christmas tree lights strung up on the walls. She has a manakin which she likes to dress up in her creations.
7. What is the best thing that ever happened to your protagonist?
That class she took on design last year. All of her time with her mother.
8. What is the worst thing that ever happened to your protagonist?
Her mother’s suicide.
10. What makes your protagonist most uncomfortable?
People showing that they care for her.
11. Describe how your protagonist speaks. Does he or her have a lisp? An accent? Does your protagonist
use a lot of slang, or end every sentence with “okay,” etc.?
She has a low dry voice, with a slightly sarcastic lilt. Sometimes she mumbles. She is prone to slang, but tries very hard not to sound ‘ditsy’ and despises people who do.
12. If a song played every time your protagonist walked into a room, what song would it
Stop and Stare by OneRepublic
Mmm yeah, she's a happy girl. :P
I'm currently working on one of my supporting characters, who's going to be the Jesus freak of the school. Mucho awesome.
As you can see, I am excited.
Names people, I need names!
Kbye. :D
Protagonist Questionnaire
For High School Students
1. What is your protagonist? A person? An animal? Something else?
A girl definitely, I’m just no sure what kind of girl. Either the outcast angry punk girl who’s cast as the MC, or the more normal backstage member who has no personality... yeah okay that won’t work. Okay well for angry outcast punk girl... uhm yeah. I’ll go with that for now.
2. Where does your protagonist live? Does he or she like it there?
_I have no idea, thank you for asking though. Uhm
I know!
San Diego :P
And no... she thinks its boring.
3. What does your protagonist look like? Hair color? Height? Distinguishing features?
_5’5, brown hair, short and kind of spiky, maybe a little dyed, earrings all the way up her right ear, a nose ring, tattoos on her arms she likes to pretend are real but aren’t. Fairly pretty, but obviously not in a conventional way.
4. What is your protagonist’s favorite outfit?
Scary spike boots, a black duck tape miniskirt and a re-made sweater.
5. What clothes would your protagonist never be caught dead wearing?
Anything cutsie. Long skirts. Hoop earrings. Make up. Normal clothes, basically.
6. What is your protagonist’s pet peeve?
People in general. Loud gum chewers. Suck ups.
7. What is your protagonist’s fondest memory?
She doesn’t tend to think of these things. If you have to know, the last good memory she has with her mom. She was eight and her mom decided to have a special day with her. She came to her school and stole her away, and they went to the beach and collected shells and built a sand castle and had a mud fight, and her mom threw her in the ocean to wash her off.
8. What are your protagonist's hobbies?
Designing clothes, making stuff in general. It’s the only thing she’s happy doing.
9. What can your protagonist do better than anyone else?
Design. She’s an artist too. But she never ever lets people see it.
10. What is your protagonist insecure about?
Just about everything. She acts very tough but has trouble letting people in.
11. What makes your protagonist angry?
The world. Her father. Popular people. Unpopular people. The fact her mother committed suicide. Christians. Schools. Anything unfair. Bullies. Wimps. Just about everything.
12. What are your protagonist’s parents like? How about the rest of his or her family?
Her mother suffered from depression and killed herself when the MC was ten. She is an only child. Her father is very secluded. He’s a small mousy man who doesn’t know how to raise a girl, but he loves her very much. He’s completely awkward around her, she makes him uncomfortable. She has a great relationship with her grandmother, her mothers mother. She has a couple aunts and uncles who she never sees.
13. What's one secret your protagonist hasn't ever told anyone?
She tried to kill herself once.
14. Is your protagonist outgoing? Shy? What do people think when they first meet your
She’s hostile. Not outgoing, not shy. She has a very low opinion of people, so she has no friends. She’s an outcast. She scares people a little, so they call her a freak.
15. Describe your protagonist in three words:
1. Angry
2. Hiding
3. Beautiful
16. Pretend for a moment that your protagonist is really nervous. What does your protagonist do with his or her nervous energy? (Tap his or her toe against the floor? Hum a song?)
If there’s a pen around she draws on herself and jiggles her knees. If there’s not pen, she bites her nails.
17. Write a sentence describing how your protagonist walks.
She stalked down the hall in her spiky leather boots, and freshmen scattered out of her way, seeing the look of hatred in eyes.
18. Write a sentence describing how your protagonist stands. What’s his or her posture like?
She leaned against her locker and folded her arms under her chest, pursing her lips in annoyance. “Can I help you?”
19. What do you really like about your protagonist?
I like how cool she could be if she decided to like people. I like how passionate she is. I like how she really cares about things and people she tries to tell herself she doesn’t.
20. What do you dislike about your protagonist?
Um, well... she has attitude issues. And anger issues. And other issues... she’s actually a little self righteous, without realizing it, but that shall be fixed. ;)
21. What is your protagonist’s greatest weakness?
Her inability to show and receive love.
22. What is the one thing your protagonist fears most?
She fears loving, and then having the people she loves torn from her.
23. What does your protagonist want more than anything else in the world?
Her mother back. Other then that, to stop being so angry.
2. What is your protagonist’s favorite band? Song? Type of music?
Lifehouse. Blind. Rock.
3. What is your protagonist’s favorite book and why?
Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer. Because she loves it duh. She sees herself in it, identifies well, etc...
4. What is your protagonist’s favorite season?
5. What places, other than where he or she lives now, has your protagonist lived or visited on
vacation? Which one was his or her favorite and why?
Uhmmm... she’s always lived in San Diego. They visited Maine once and she swears she’s going to move there as soon as possible. She loved the season and climate differences and the people. She wants to live in Portland.
6. What does your protagonist’s house look like? What is hanging on your protagonist’s
bedroom walls?
Her house is fairly boring because her dad does all the cleaning. Her room however, is completely different. She has red walls, and she’s got posters all over them, of her favorite bands. It’s constantly a mess but she always keeps her bed clean, and she has a table that’s practically collapsing under all the stuff. She has so many art supplies all over her walls, in the closet, on the floor, and her latest project on the table along with her sewing machine . It’s kind of dark so she has several funky lights and Christmas tree lights strung up on the walls. She has a manakin which she likes to dress up in her creations.
7. What is the best thing that ever happened to your protagonist?
That class she took on design last year. All of her time with her mother.
8. What is the worst thing that ever happened to your protagonist?
Her mother’s suicide.
10. What makes your protagonist most uncomfortable?
People showing that they care for her.
11. Describe how your protagonist speaks. Does he or her have a lisp? An accent? Does your protagonist
use a lot of slang, or end every sentence with “okay,” etc.?
She has a low dry voice, with a slightly sarcastic lilt. Sometimes she mumbles. She is prone to slang, but tries very hard not to sound ‘ditsy’ and despises people who do.
12. If a song played every time your protagonist walked into a room, what song would it
Stop and Stare by OneRepublic
Mmm yeah, she's a happy girl. :P
I'm currently working on one of my supporting characters, who's going to be the Jesus freak of the school. Mucho awesome.
As you can see, I am excited.
Names people, I need names!
Kbye. :D
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Ordinary Day
I'm beginning to think I'm addicted to late night random short posts.
Odd. :D
So, today I found out Friday teaching is canceled for three week at P&P, for some unknown reason, and I was very disappointed after getting all prepared and looking forward to it... it's annoying, but at least this week BC is starting again, and possibly rehearsals for the talent show. So I shan't be completely bored. I hope. I do have some strange kind of power to be bored and busy at the same time, (Bosy, ya'll!) But I shall fend that off. With chopsticks, most likely. Bwahaha.
Today Erin and I walked into town (it was beautiful out, for once!) and went to a new second hand shop in town. It turned out to be really nice! Some older woman clothes, of course, but a good bit of teenish stuff, and it's so nice for it to be so close! I got a grey sweater hoody, because my yellow fleece has turned disgusting, and we promised the lady who owns it we'd be back. :)
Tomorrow Laura comes over and we're going to watch Becoming Jane (<333),
I'm addicted to my music player. Teehee. And I've suddenly discovered, I can write while listening to music now! I used to find it very distracting, but it actually seems to suck me more into the moment now... pretty awesome.
And yeah, the reason I'm NOT writing on WR right now is because while sitting in front of my pretty appleworks document tonight, I realized I've pretty much run out of planned plot. And I was like, CRAP. I mean, I know where it's going and what not, but I'm not sure what's coming next... this will require some planning. And you know how much I love that. Oh boy.
But the good news is, it's now 72k. Booyah. And I have script frenzy to worry about, if it all gets very headdesk worthy! Yay!
Anyways, I'm off to read! Farewell, sweetie pies. :P
Edit: Arg, some of this keeps getting cut out. I'll fix it tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
OH, how I love back stories!
And no, that is not sarcasm. I really, really do. :D
'I dreamt.
In my dream, Zara and the fariie were sitting together, in front of a fire that wasn’t even needed, Tirian was glowing so brightly. They were across from each other, but there seemed to be a strange link connecting them, not like how we’d been mind linked before, but something completely different. I realized, watching them from where I was curled a little ways away, that they were actually attracted to each other. That was part of the cause of the strange tension that had been so obvious in our little conversation. They were quiet, looking at each other, almost seeming to talk only through their eyes.
“It’s good to see you, Tirian.” Zara finally said.
The shadows cast by the flickering fire disguised whatever emotion was written so clearly on her face, and I struggled to understand what had been between them.
“It has been... long.” Tirian sounded more human, vulnerable, then I had ever heard him.
“I wasn’t sure if you were still alive,” she said, a slight tremor running through her voice.
“I knew you were.” He smiled, and she tilted her head in the light so I could finally see that expression on her face. Sadness. Pain.
“If you think I’m going to apologize for what I did,” she started angrily, trying to cover what she was feeling, “you couldn’t be more wrong.”
He laughed, a strange dry sound, and nodded. “I see you haven’t changed.”
“Nor have you.” She smirked. Her head bowed and she seemed to be struggling with herself. “We could have... you might have kept in touch, you know.”
He leaned forward, frowning, and spoke carefully. “What was between us is past now. You understood the arrangement. I had not meant to become further involved, for Liasure warned me humans might be open to... Well, what you might call confusing emotions, so I meant to spare you from that, but now that she knows I am her father there seems to be no other way.”
She started, sitting bolt up right, and hissed. “You told her?”
“Only about me,” he said quickly. “But you know you should tell her.”
“I will,” she said quietly. “Soon.”
The fire crackled in the silence, and I rolled over unconsciously, fuzzy wondering of what they could be talking about passing through my mind. Emmy's face appeared before me, and I slipped into another dream that I only remember vaguely, having to do with being a raven.
The next morning I woke up, feeling oddly confused, with my face pressed to the ground next to the burned out remains of a fireplace. But I’m sure whatever that was, it was a dream. Something my unconscious mind came up with because of the strange tension between Zara and my father. I’m sure that’s it. They wouldn’t keep something more from me.
I’m sure. '
Bwahaha. Confusing you guys again! :D
I'm excited!!!!
'I dreamt.
In my dream, Zara and the fariie were sitting together, in front of a fire that wasn’t even needed, Tirian was glowing so brightly. They were across from each other, but there seemed to be a strange link connecting them, not like how we’d been mind linked before, but something completely different. I realized, watching them from where I was curled a little ways away, that they were actually attracted to each other. That was part of the cause of the strange tension that had been so obvious in our little conversation. They were quiet, looking at each other, almost seeming to talk only through their eyes.
“It’s good to see you, Tirian.” Zara finally said.
The shadows cast by the flickering fire disguised whatever emotion was written so clearly on her face, and I struggled to understand what had been between them.
“It has been... long.” Tirian sounded more human, vulnerable, then I had ever heard him.
“I wasn’t sure if you were still alive,” she said, a slight tremor running through her voice.
“I knew you were.” He smiled, and she tilted her head in the light so I could finally see that expression on her face. Sadness. Pain.
“If you think I’m going to apologize for what I did,” she started angrily, trying to cover what she was feeling, “you couldn’t be more wrong.”
He laughed, a strange dry sound, and nodded. “I see you haven’t changed.”
“Nor have you.” She smirked. Her head bowed and she seemed to be struggling with herself. “We could have... you might have kept in touch, you know.”
He leaned forward, frowning, and spoke carefully. “What was between us is past now. You understood the arrangement. I had not meant to become further involved, for Liasure warned me humans might be open to... Well, what you might call confusing emotions, so I meant to spare you from that, but now that she knows I am her father there seems to be no other way.”
She started, sitting bolt up right, and hissed. “You told her?”
“Only about me,” he said quickly. “But you know you should tell her.”
“I will,” she said quietly. “Soon.”
The fire crackled in the silence, and I rolled over unconsciously, fuzzy wondering of what they could be talking about passing through my mind. Emmy's face appeared before me, and I slipped into another dream that I only remember vaguely, having to do with being a raven.
The next morning I woke up, feeling oddly confused, with my face pressed to the ground next to the burned out remains of a fireplace. But I’m sure whatever that was, it was a dream. Something my unconscious mind came up with because of the strange tension between Zara and my father. I’m sure that’s it. They wouldn’t keep something more from me.
I’m sure. '
Bwahaha. Confusing you guys again! :D
I'm excited!!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A tiny shout out
Katie! You can not do this to me! A whole DAY without you?! What is that??!!
Hope you return to the livingandawesome soon.
The Lover
P.S. One of these days I will write a proper post. Promise. :P
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Hum :D
So I assume you all are just dying to hear about Friday... ;)
It went pretty well! I was nervous beforehand but once I got there the nerves pretty much disappeared, which was nice. I have my theater class first and there were kind of more little kids then I expected, so it didn't go exactly as I had imagined. They didn't do great, (at all), with concentrating, so I'm gonna change my tactics a little. I actually had a lesson planned, which I did, but they seemed kind of bored so I think I'm really just going to work on the play we're doing and games... they can learn the basics from those, without an actual 'lesson.'
Chorus was great because I had chosen a song from High School Musical to do, and I had a bunch of girls between like 9 and 13, so of course they LOVED that. They all seemed to have a lot of fun! And they actually want solo's, which is good, I just hope I can get them to stay on pitch.
Flute was fine too. I just have three students, and they all got sounds out pretty much right away, which was great. There were some problems with concentrating though, because they were distracting each other, so I may need to split them up, but we'll see. I'm excited to see Tom's progress, as he's the son of the woman who got me into this and also seems very excited to be learning. They gave me a ride home and Mrs. Crothers said "So Tom, you didn't tell me how flute was! How was it?!" And he went "AWESOME."
So yeah. Nothing special, but at the same time, exciting! :D
Other then that not much is happening in Anna world. I'm attempting to put up a music playlist on here, so we'll see how that goes... Knowing me, I'll probably freeze the computer. W00t. :P
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