Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This is a total obsessions post, just to warn ya'll. So, last night we watched Becoming Jane. It was really, really good, with a very melencholy feel because if you know anything about Jane Austen, you know she never got married. We were all kind of blown away by it, especially James McAvoy's performance, which was amazing (and I would do a fangirlish scream here, but my parents read this. O_O) 
Anyways, it was REALLY well done and even though I was looking forward to watching BSG all day, I quite enjoyed it. Here's one of my favorite parts from the movie - it doesn't really ruin it because obviously you know they're going to get together, but I guess if you have any intention of watching it soon, (which you should), you may want to save it. 
So sweet! 

Chuck!!!! :D

Stardust!!!!! (we just watched it again tonight at the library so I had to add it :P)

BSG!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

And I would have more except I'm so afraid of finding out stuff I don't know yet I'll only watch season 1 music videos. :P 

Finally, Charlie and Carmen. No, I don't have a music video for them, but Katie showed me a special picture of them today and it made me SO HAPPY. No, I don't know why, but they are definitely my favorite couple, EVER. 

Anyway, this is obviously a totally random and fairly pointless post, so I shall be done now. But we got the notebook and I'm SO excited to read it, once Kelia does her bit. I shall try to be good and wait. :P And I can't wait for HP marathon on Friday!!! 

Later loves,


AnnaRose said...

Kay, the BSG link is being a dumb-butt, so here is the URL. GAH.
Haha. Pooh. :)

AnnaRose said...
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AnnaRose said...



I want to see Becoming Jane!!!*is jealous*

*sighs* I love Chuck.



C&C...I love them too darlin' I love them too....

That HP thing was awesome!&so was Stardust, I love hanging out with you guys--you're awesome!



I can't WAIT for the dance!!!!AHHH!


LoveyoumorethanyoudoC&C <3
